
The device to Accell-erate your high-def hook-up


So your customers are buying HDTVs like they’re going out of style. Great. But what happens when a customer brings home his beautiful new high-def monitor only to realize that it has fewer HDMI inputs than he has input devices (such as a DVD player, a Blu-ray player, an HD receiver, an HD-Tivo, etc.)? The short answer is, he comes back to your store for a solution, which certainly is not a bad thing. The bigger question is, will you be ready?

How you answer that depends, of course, on whether you’re up on the latest HDMI switches. What’s that you say? You don’t have time to research all the options? You know they’re out there, you just don’t know which one’s right for you?  Well here’s one option you may want to consider. It’s the Accell Ultra 4-1 switcher. As its name suggests, this workhorse of a switcher has four HDMI inputs and one output. Operated by an intuitive remote control, the HDMI 1.2 compliant Accell Ultra is unique among switches in that it doesn’t require a separate power source.  For that convenience, however, the Accell carries a relatively steep SRP of $149.  Then again, in relation to the thousands it costs to set up an HD home theater, it may be a small price to pay to make the whole thing work in guaranteed high-def.